SWAGE LARGE Stainless Tiller+Cultivator+Weeder Hoe.
Strong, 3-edge-sharp, swaged & pointed stainless steel head, long wooden (birch or aspen) rounded-rectangular handle 1.30 m for upright position strain-free work. Light weight.
- Adjustable head to best align it to your height.
- Indispensable for all soil work (from subsurface down to 150 mm), loosening, planting, mounding, shaping and weeding tasks in larger areas and along long rows.
- Weed the patio hard surfaces.
- Slash overgrown weeds.
- Chop/Mix compost.
- Blend fertilisers and compost into the soil.
- Mix up concrete.
- Contributes to improving soil structure.
- Aerates and mellows the soil.
- Breaks down clots.
- Hoe without moving a lot of soil.
- Hook / Rake / Chop / Slash unwanted plant growth.
Watch this brief video on How to Use the SWAGE tool (for more tips and information please also visit our YouTube community):